Reimagining How Leaders Thrive

Customized Individual and Group Coaching


Individual Coaching

Personalized, one-to-one, executive coaching


Group Coaching

Small group and peer network programs for organizations



Leadership development and strategic consulting



Coaching-centered professional development



Let's talk about leading yourself and leading in relationships.

We are Laurie Goetz and Michele Galen. We believe professional success begins with strong self-leadership and leadership in relationships.

As coaches, we work with leaders to strengthen the core components of self-leadership and leadership in essential relationships. Effective self-leadership comes from understanding ourselves and managing our performance.

We uniquely tailor our coaching programs to fit each client and group. We partner together to strengthen self-leadership and leadership in relationships. Our clients tell us they experience immediate and actionable results. Let's talk to see what we can do for you.

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Individual Coaching - Individual or one-to-one coaching helps our clients to create a desired change in themselves. Typically, this means challenging habitual thinking patterns, expanding their perspective, improving a skill, or making a behavioral change to achieve a professional objective and make a positive impact on business performance.

Group Coaching - Group coaching brings together eight-to twelve peers, what we call a cohort, to be coached on their individual goals in a small group setting for the additional benefit of peer learning and support. It is an open and safe conversation space. The group focuses on goal-setting, deepening awareness, taking action, and establishing accountability.

Team Coaching - Like individual and group coaching, team coaching involves increasing the professional development skills of the participants involved. Instead of working on individual goals, participants work together to set goals, make decisions and take action as a team to strengthen the team as a whole.

Blended coaching - This combines individual, one-to-one, coaching with group or team coaching to reinforce desired changes and enhance coaching’s impact. Peers and teammates provide support and accountability, multiplying the impact.

Peer network - Like it sounds, a peer network is a group of colleagues or professionals brought together by a shared goal or experience such as coaching. Peer network members listen, validate, and support each other. This process furthers each other’s development and provides accountability for change. We design our peer networks to last after the coaching has ended, serving as a source of sustainable change for both the individuals and organizations we serve.

Group coaching process - Our group coaching follows a consistent pattern. This includes a brief check-in, guest speaker or leadership topic presented for discussion and coaching, small group break-outs for more intimate conversation and reflection, then a wrap-up and sharing.

We offer a customized approach that supports professionals at all levels to expand their perspective, perform at their best and achieve lasting change. We do this through our blended coaching programs, combining group and individual coaching, and the peer networks we create as part of our approach. We carefully curate resources and tools to facilitate the change process for participants.

Where appropriate, we supplement coaching with laser-focused advisory consulting in areas of our expertise, including leadership development, women’s leadership initiatives organizational change, and communication. In our consulting capacity, we serve as a thought partner and behind-the-scenes advisor, offering insights and ‘lessons learned,’ as well as targeted tools and resources as may be needed.

Explore how we can help you